Monthly Archives: October 2019
Do I Need A Car Wash?
10.08.2019 4:25 pm | Okan Sengullu
When you decide to purchase a car, you are aware of the investment and how much money you put into it with maintenance checks such as oil changes, tire rotations, and more. Washing your car, while it’s more about aesthetics than how the car runs, should still be at the forefront of your mind. If you aren’t due for an auto repair in Chicago, you may still be due for a car wash. Does My Car Need A Wash? If your car has gone through a day of driving on dusty and gravel roads, you may want to get it washed to clear off the debris. Additionally, you may have some birds that did their business all over the hood and windshield of your car. You should consider washing your car as an addition to your maintenance checks. Car washes can help: Protect the paint Minimize any potential rust Keep the car in great condition Resale the vehicle at a high value How Often Should I Get A Car Wash? The general rule is to wash your car every two weeks, but if you live in an area with a lot of salt, try to wash it more often than… Read more
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