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Keep Your Car in Good Condition by Maintaining These Automotive Fluids

There are several specific fluids that your car needs in order to run its best. Not surprisingly, if one of these fluids runs out, you run the risk of having severe repair problems. You probably know how to check if it’s time to go in for a car oil change in Lakeview but what about brake fluid or steering fluid?  Chances are that you have never been told how to check if these need to be replaced or a maintenance schedule for them. At Bucaro Brothers Auto Care, we are going to walk you through some of the most important fluids to maintain.

Car Oil Change Lakeview

Engine oil lubricates and cools your entire engine, if you have insufficient amounts of oil, it will cause engine parts to grind against one another, reducing efficiency and potentially causing permanent engine damage. Proper lubrication can prevent this problem, so make sure to have your car oil changed every 3,000 or 5,000 miles.

Steering Fluid

Steering fluid keeps your power steering lubricated, making it easier to control the cars wheels. To check the power steering fluid, find the reservoir labeled “steering” under the hood on the passenger side. In most cars you should be able to see the fluid level without opening the cap. If fluids are low, you can easily add more yourself.

Brake Fluid

Your brake fluid adds power to your braking and keeps you in control of your vehicle. This means that a low level of brake fluid can lead to unresponsive brakes. Keep a close eye on your brake fluid level every time you perform maintenance on the vehicle. If it falls below the two-thirds mark inside the reservoir, take your vehicle to an auto repair facility as soon as possible to have additional fluid added.  

Bucaro Brothers Auto Care is proud to offer the best auto repair and maintenance services in Chicago. Contact us online or call (773) 570-4541 if you’d like to schedule a repair or car oil change in Lakeview.

Bucaro Brothers Auto Care

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Chicago, IL 60614
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